The photo shows Udo Monks, conductor of the Detmold Youth Orchestra, Starlet Smith, conductor of the MHS Orchestras, and Gretta Sandberg, former conductor of the MHS Orchestras "clinking" champagne glasses at the finale of the concert on Wednesday night. Gretta Sandberg conducted Royal Sec: A Champagne Gallop by Victor Hilbert as an encore...the piece called for a unique and comical percussion part: clicking champagne glasses!
An article describing the successful concert held by the joint orchestra comprised of the MHS Philharmonic Orchestra & the Detmold Youth Orchestra hit the Detmold newspaper just one day after their final concert.
The photo shows Udo Monks, conductor of the Detmold Youth Orchestra, Starlet Smith, conductor of the MHS Orchestras, and Gretta Sandberg, former conductor of the MHS Orchestras "clinking" champagne glasses at the finale of the concert on Wednesday night. Gretta Sandberg conducted Royal Sec: A Champagne Gallop by Victor Hilbert as an encore...the piece called for a unique and comical percussion part: clicking champagne glasses! Comments are closed.
The McLean High School Orchestra Program seeks to develop individual musical artistry, ensemble excellence, and promote a life-long enjoyment of music in each young person. This important goal cannot be attained without a sincere desire, effort, and commitment from each orchestra member. Archives
April 2024