At this time, both the SYMPHONIC & PHILHARMONIC performances are still planned as scheduled for tomorrow. READ ALL DETAILS BELOW:
- bring completely signed permission slips with you and give them directly to Ms. Smith or the bus chaperone upon arrival.
- Symphonic students, meet in the orchestra room at 7:30am tomorrow, bus will leave at approximately 7:45am. If you are one of the few driving yourself directly to assessment (at Falls Church High School), symphonic students arrive by 8:00am - go to the main lobby and ask where to go, although they may hold you in the lobby until we arrive. Parents who volunteered to transport instruments, please arrive near 7:00am and meet in the orchestra room.
- Philharmonic students, meet in the orchestra room at 2:30am tomorrow, bus will leave at approximately 2:45pm. If you are one of the few driving yourself directly to assessment (at Falls Church High School), philharmonic students arrive by 3:00pm - go to the main lobby and ask where to go, although they may hold you in the lobby until we arrive. Parents who volunteered to transport instruments, please arrive at 2:00pm and meet in the orchestra room.
- ARRIVE WEARING ALL PARTS OF YOUR UNIFORM. Miss. Smith will be in charge of transporting all music folders and will not be carrying and spare copies of music. What's in your folder is what you're going to use on stage, hence it is important that students have been keeping your folders organized.
- LISTEN TO INSTRUCTIONS AND MOVE QUICKLY. We will be running on an extremely tight schedule, so you will need to stay alert and move fast!
See you tomorrow,
Miss. Smith
Due to FCPS's decision to close schools and offices tomorrow, March 6th, the CONCERT ORCHESTRA's performance for the District XII Assessment has been CANCELLED. The Virginia Band & Orchestra Directors Association is working to try and reschedule tomorrow's cancelled performances, although there are no guarantees of this. I will distribute information on this as soon as I obtain it. |
The McLean High School Orchestra Program seeks to develop individual musical artistry, ensemble excellence, and promote a life-long enjoyment of music in each young person. This important goal cannot be attained without a sincere desire, effort, and commitment from each orchestra member. Archives
November 2024